David Bishop

David resides in Brussels, Ontario, and for almost a decade, his passion has been photography. The reasons are obvious to him: nature and everything in it, an eagle and its mate with talons tangled, somersaulting in the bluest of winter skies, a mother Whitetail keeping a watchful eye while guarding over her newborn fawn, an Alaskan grizzly rearing up on hind legs, and smelling the wind to sense oncoming danger, sitting high on a mountain ridge in the presence of a herd of Rocky Mountain bighorns, and them allowing him to share their space, or just a simple sunset burning its orange and reds into a distant horizon.

A reason to make an image is not something for which you search; it’s in you and all around you. It’s a lifelong adventure. These are just a few of his reasons. What are yours?

Most people smile when they see a field of glorious yellow sunflowers; these are a perfect subject to capture the theme of “all things bright and beautiful”.