Tristan Eekhoff

The overall intention of Tristan’s work is to try to discover something beyond objective reality: concepts, ideas, etc. This does not mean that a work must be “non-representational” to embrace a “mystical experience”!

Within the realm of visual art, Tristan has concentrated principally on drawing and painting, having studied these disciplines at St. Martin’s (UK) and Western (London ON). He enjoys sharing his work with others in juried shows where he has had his work accepted in many places, including Woodstock, Stratford, and Goderich, and he has had a joint show with his wife, Anne Hamilton, at Bainton Gallery in Blyth ON.

Tristan’s submission is developed upon an idea from a watercolour sketch he did looking eastward through a decorative wooden-framed door on the side porch of their property near Grand Bend.

The title of his work, “Bird’s Eye View”, was prompted by a line from “All Things Bright and Beautiful” which reads, “Each little bird that sings”.